11 Blogs With Reviews of New Cybersecurity Books and Author Interviews
So you wrote a book. Which blogs review new cybersecurity books? How do you find book reviewers and score author interviews? Start with this list.

Established and new cybersecurity podcasts soared in 2020. That doesn't mean IT security professionals stopped reading books and eBooks. On the contrary.
Let's look at eBooks, for example. Research on B2B content consumption changes in 2020 found that eBooks ranked #1 in total views by content format. This includes complimentary downloads of B2B cybersecurity eBooks.
Then there's the growing commercial eBooks market. In the first 11 months of 2020, eBook revenues in the US grew 15.2% to $1.0 billion, according to the Association of American Publishers (AAP).
The report provides only a glimpse of the total market. AAP is tracking roughly 1,300 publishers. Together, they represent less than one-fifth of eBook sales.
The trade association doesn't follow smaller niche imprints. It doesn't track self-publishers and the labels owned by Amazon Publishing, which drive most of the eBook market growth. Statista expects total eBook revenues in the US to surpass the $6.0 billion mark this year.
Granted - cybersecurity publications make up only a minuscule fraction of the book market. Still, infosec tech writers and IT recruiters-turned-authors contribute to this trend and benefit.
Quite a few have turned the 2020 lockdown into an opportunity, or are about to. They have written or are currently writing technical eBooks, manuals, or leadership guides.
Does this sound familiar? Do you have a cybersecurity book in the works? And if so, how will your future readers learn about it?
You've written a book. How will readers know?
Prepare for a crowded field. The good news is, as a newly minted book author, you're not alone.
That's also the bad news.
Get ready to face some stiff competition. More authors will be vying for attention for their cybersecurity books this year. They've been as busy as you were.
The topics your fellow authors are tackling cover a wide field. Some write about threat intelligence and malware trends. Others examine pentesting methods and tools. Career advice for CISOs, anybody? Or accountability strategies for board members?
Someone wrote the book on it.
But wait, there's more.
What about the new cybersecurity podcasts launched in 2020? Quite a few shows focus on career advice, research, and B2B cybersecurity thought leadership.
Some have racked up enough quality content by now to consider branching out. More hosts follow the changed B2B content trends. They are currently seeking to broaden their audiences.
They edit and repurpose their conversations for consumption beyond the podcasting sphere. Executive summaries of webcasts and podcast episodes are one example. More companies are offering them now, courtesy of their corporate sponsors.
Independent consultants and other professionals launched podcasts to advance their careers. They may turn the accumulated content into the ultimate business card.
What a better boost for your personal brand than a book that speaks to your subject matter expertise?
Where to promote your cybersecurity book online?
Guest appearances on industry podcasts are an obvious option. Podcast, book, and eBook PR experts have specialized in reaching out to the right shows.
New authors should find an expert who is familiar with the podcasting landscape in their field. This approach ensures that they get booked for interviews in front of audiences that are a good match.
Industry websites and blogs for the information security community provide another viable venue. Focus on those that publish author interviews or highlight new books for their followers.
They often rely on established cybersecurity journalists or subject matter experts for new book reviews. Such posts have a much longer "shelf life" than podcasts. They also reach a larger audience.
That's important, because avid readers aren't necessarily voracious podcasts listeners. Research shows that listening is less effective.
Cybersecurity podcasts also don't always provide episode notes with links to resources. As a result, even frequent listeners may have to take an extra step to find the book online.
In comparison, most blogs make it easy to order and download the books they mention or review.
New podcasters-turned-authors will face a challenge, though.
You thought building a podcast audience was tough?
Then try getting your cybersecurity book reviewed on reputable blogs and industry portals.
The legwork will make you miss the days of slogging from zero to the first few hundred listeners.
On the plus side, you know now that you have what it takes. The "DIY approach" to book/eBook PR requires more of the same. Think serious time investments, thorough research, determination, resilience - and luck.
Are you ready to take your pain to a whole new level?
To give you a head start, we've put together this overview of
11 Blogs for Authors to Promote Their New Cybersecurity Book
Which blogs reviewed new cybersecurity books or published author interviews in 2020?
The list below is by far not exhaustive. But after reviewing it, you may have a better idea of places to turn to with your new book.
That doesn't mean you're on your own with identifying the "right" reviewers. To save time and legwork, check out the tips at the bottom of this post.
How to find book reviewers in the cybersecurity field?
The key is developing a target list of journalists, bloggers, and podcasters that is custom-tailored to your book. Identify those who cover the IT security topic or field you write about.
This post can serve as a starting point. Much success with your book launch!
Blumira Blog
IT security firm Blumira invited cybersecurity book author Pascal Ackerman on its podcast. Check out the blog mini-series distilled from the conversation between Mike McCarthy and Pascal Ackerman, who wrote Modern Cybersecurity Practices: Exploring And Implementing Agile Cybersecurity Frameworks and Strategies for Your Organization.
Cybersecurity Canon
Then-time Palo Alto Networks CISO Rick Howard created the Cybersecurity Canon in 2013. His goal: establishing a resource of "must-read books for all cybersecurity practitioners."
The result was a curated catalog with reviews of books from and about the industry. It allows readers to keep up with essential knowledge and developments in the field. In 2020, the Cybersecurity Canon moved to Ohio State University.
Read recent Cybersecurity Canon reviews on the website of OSU's Institute for Cybersecurity & Digital Trust.
Cybersecurity Guide
The Cybersecurity Guide offers a wide variety of specialized education and career resources. It covers mostly online and on-campus cybersecurity degree programs.
Included are associate's degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree, and Ph.D. degree programs. Read the Cybersecurity Guide's expert interview with Matt Bishop, who authored the textbook Computer Security: Art and Science.
The Diplomat
The Diplomat magazine covers current affairs in the Asia-Pacific region. It publishes expert analysis and commentary on events occurring in Asia and globally. This includes cybersecurity developments. One example from the Trans-Pacific View Blog of The Diplomat is Mercy A. Kuo's interview with Georgetown University professor Ben Buchanan, author of The Hacker and the State: Cyber Attacks and the New Normal of Geopolitics.
Government Technology
Government Technology and its sister publications report on IT in state and local governments. Part of the mix are in-depth reviews of publications about IT security in the public sector. A 2020 example is this book review by Government Technology blogger Dan Lohrmann, Chief Security Officer of Security Mentor, of Cybersecurity – Attack and Defense Strategies by Yuri Diogenes and Erdal Ozkaya.
Help Net Security
Croatia-based Help Net Security has covered information security since 1998. Topics tackled include technical security challenges and IT management issues. The portal features a dedicated reviews section. Read news editor Helga Labus' review of Chase Cunningham's Cyber Warfare - Truth, Tactics, and Strategies.
Rift Recon Blog
Rift Recon is a boutique cyber- and physical security firm. It provides consulting, training, and software development services. Read the Rift Recon blog interview with Matt Monte, author of Network Attacks and Exploitation: A Framework.
Secure Blitz
SecureBlitz aims to inform about and expose cyber threats on the internet. It occasionally includes interviews with cybersecurity book authors. Read Gina Lynch's interview with Hugh Taylor, author of Digital Downfall: Technology, Cyberattacks and the End of the American Republic.
Solutions Review
Solutions Review publishes content about Enterprise Cloud solutions on its portal. This includes reviews of publications and tools. In August 2020, tech writer Daniel Hein reviewed The Essential Cloud Security Books for Cybersecurity Professionals.
Strategic Piece
Strategic Piece helps B2B companies unify their marketing, sales, and service efforts. Read founder Matt Bell's interview with Jason Rorie, author of Small Business – A Hacker's Playground: Cyber Security.
Tapad Engineering Blog
Tapad (an Experian company) offers digital identity resolution and cross-device identification solutions. Its resident book blogger is Ben Rothke. Rothke, a founding member of the Cybersecurity Canon, reviewed The Best Information Security Books 2020 on the Tapad Engineering Blog.
Want to save yourself the legwork and valuable time when launching your new cybersecurity book?
Need help with your book launch?
Contact us for a referral to industry experts and publicists who can help with your outreach to trade journalists, podcasters, and bloggers, and sign up below for our newsletter with further tips and insights from fellow authors: